Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sometimes we do get to meet the Apostles

Buena Sera,
This week we talked to some cute little tykes outside, and one just got baptized not too long ago. We asked him how he felt when he was baptized and he said "the water was cold but I was warm." Melted my heart like a popsicle on the 4th of July. Then the mom told us about the little sister (4 yrs old) who said when she prays she feels like the sun coming up. KIDS♥

Yesterday we had missionary leadership council and it was SO GOOD and tomorrow we have zone conference. (we basically just have trainings from President and Sister Risenmay, the Assistants to the President, Zone leaders and District leaders. How to become better missionaries and reminded of why we are here. I'll be giving my first training! #rookie

Today we went hiking for zone activity and at the top of the hike DL shared scriptures about the Savior and sacrifice and we meditated and prayed and I just felt so close to Jesus Christ and it felt so good being back out in my natural habitat/environment where I really do feel the happiest and closest to God and the earth.

Aaaand last but certainly not least:
On Sunday Elder Ballard of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles came to speak with us. IT was amazing.

He walked in and said, "you all look like a bunch of tulips." hahaha.
I'll try to give a brief synopsis of what he spoke about.

Began with Savior to the women of the church, his ministry and love for them. The samaritan woman at the well, and Mary Magdalene. He said, "The women of the church who have deep testimony and learn who Christ is, you have a power and strength that you carry into your homes, and lives, married or single."

I noticed that while he reads things he speaks slowly, letting time for the spirit to speak to us individually. It was a good reminder for me, in speaking and reading.

He told us to Internalize all the good things we are learning on our missions so that they become apart of us, not just things that happen to us these 18 months.

He also went over all of the Christlike attributes and emphasized how important they are. "Understand and study them until it becomes part of you"

He told us we are celestially blessed to serve here, so close to the Prophet, many of Christ's ministers and wonderful people. 

One of my favourite quotes: "some people who come onto the square are a little square, a little funny. But we need to try to be patient with them." Hahah so true.

We shook his hand at the end and FYI he has really soft hands. One of the sisters took a picture of him and I just so happened to be shaking his hand in that moment so HERE IS ME SHAKING THE HAND OF Elder M. Russell Ballard.

Family Parlor in the Beehive House. Another sister took a picture of this and I just had to share.
Zone Service project last week: we gardened and cleaned and organized the Bateman's home.They are part of our mission Presidency. We were originally going to go to an earth day fair and help out but it was rained out so this was our last minute change of plans.

Mom and Dad, I'm sure you would never think this day would come BUT I LOVE WEEDING IT WAS THE BEST PART OF MY WEEK. It felt so good to do that close to home familiar yard work.
Our hike today. Some of the sisters. Bonneville Trail

It was seriously so peaceful and reminded me so much of the Sermon on the Mount from the Bible Videos. The Salt Lake is incomparable to the Sea of Galilee and Jesus Christ wasn't there teaching us, but it was still such a beautiful time.

I love you all! Have a wonderful week! Send me pictures of your lives!

Sister Cox

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